Porlock High Street Support Group
The Porlock High Street Support Group (PHSSG) was formed to deliver the Porlock High Street Recovery Fund granted to Porlock Parish Council by Somerset West & Taunton Council.
PPC received the £25,000 grant in December 2020, to be spent by 31st March 2022.
The PHSSG consulted with all Porlock High Street Traders, residents and organisations to decide how best to spend the £25,000 fund, which was given specifically to support and help the recovery of our High Street following the difficulties of the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of this consultation informed the Indicative Plan – how to spend the money - approved by PPC and SW&T in March 2021.
Following approval of the Indicative Plan, the PHSSG started work on all the projects agreed – not an easy task initially whilst in lockdown, and then with a busy summer for the Traders who made up the Group. Many of the projects required the permission of other organisations and landowners, which, unfortunately, took time and was not always given, but all the projects were delivered, all in line with the tenets agreed by the PHSSG.