
Porlock Parish Council has a responsibility to consider the impact planning applications have on Porlock Village and provide their comments/recommendations to Exmoor National Park Authority.


The local planning authority Exmoor National Park Authority notifies all planning applications that affect the Parish Council for their consideration and comment.

Porlock Parish Council, as a statutory consultee of Somerset Council, is then asked to comment on all planning applications within the Parish.

The Parish Council is consulted for its local knowledge but does not determine a Planning Application, we are a statutory consultee. For information regarding Planning Applications please see the ENPA Planning portal

Members of the Planning Committee

  • Cllr. L Bloys
  • Cllr. S Colson
  • Cllr. D Heath
  • Cllr. D McCanlis (PPC Chair)
  • Cllr. S McCanlis
  • Cllr. M Stenning